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If we can live without causing unnecessary harm, WHY wouldn't we? 


I want to dedicate this page to our wonderful animals on this planet. I believe animals have a soul, have feelings and are not a "thing".  Unfortunately in many cultures animals are treated very cruel and are being badly abused for human profit.  I do what I can to help these animals. Sometimes I donate to a specific cause, I sign all the petitions (and I must say there have been some magnicicent results), I show animals (all animals) appreciation and love. 

I stopped consuming meat in February 201.  Just happy to be able to say; no animal goes to the slaughterhouse because of me!  

My dream is to efficiently help animals all around the world, that is why I studied animal psychology and animal communication.   I am in love with animals, I wish that we would all cherish them for what they are! 


Some of my incredible animal encounters the past few years:




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